Luspatercept and Lenalidomide (L2)

A Multicenter, Phase Ib/II Study That Combines Luspatercept and Lenalidomide (L2) in Lower-risk, Non-del(5q) MDS Patients

What's the purpose of the trial?

The purpose of this study is to evaluate if the combination of drugs, Lenalidomide and Luspatercept, will help improve the treatment of anemia in patients with lower-risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS).
Trial status

Accepting patients

Phase 1/2
Last Updated
2 weeks ago
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Participating Centers

There are 6 centers participating in this trial. Enter a location below to find the closest center.

Experimental Treatments

Learn more about the experimental treatments being evaluated in this clinical trial.

  • Lenalidomide is an oral immunomodulatory drug that may help the immune system kill cancer cells. It may also prevent the growth of new blood vessels that tumors need to grow.
  • Luspatercept is an agent that helps your bone marrow finish making red blood cells that have started to form.

Arms / Cohorts

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Accepting patients

Luspatercept + Lenalidomide

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