UCB Transplant with Myeloablative Prep

Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation Using a Myeloablative Preparative Regimen for Hematological Diseases

What will happen during the trial?

This is a study to collect routine clinical data from UCBT using unrelated single or double UCB units as an alternative, non-HLA-matched stem cell source for patients with hematological diseases.

  • data collection from transplant preparative therapy consisting of treatments with chemotherapeutic regimens and total body irradiation.
  • data collection from umbilical cord blood selection and infusion.
  • data collection from standard supportive disease and transplant related care.

Pre- and post-transplant medication, UCB selection and infusion, supportive care, and follow-up will be according to the current University of Minnesota BMT guidelines.

An average of 18 patients are expected to be treated on this protocol per year.

More Information

Trial Status
Accepting patients
Trial Phase
Phase 2
200 patients (estimated)
University of Minnesota - Masonic Cancer Center
Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant, Chemotherapy, Cord Blood, Radiation Therapy
Trial Type
Last Update
2 weeks ago
SparkCures ID
NCT Identifier

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